How to switch to a sustainable skincare routine

And differentiating between sustainable skincare over fast skincare.

Today, we'll look at why having a skincare routine is important for your skin and how you can build one whilst being conscious about your impact on the planet.

With all that is happening in the world, all that is changing, including our climate, the only constant really seems to be change. As such to adapt to our ever-changing world, we must start to think about building a skincare routine that is sustainable both for ourselves and the planet. Clean beauty skincare is no longer enough, yes it is essential, but it is not enough. The cosmetic industry is extremely huge, it is packed with options for everyone's skin type, how do we sift through the confusion and figure out what truly works for us? Read on to learn more.

Our mission at Founders Beauty is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to build a skincare routine that not only elevates your skincare game and reduces skin concerns such as acne and acne scars, among many other things, but also aligns with the principles of environmental consciousness.

How do we strike that balance? How do we know what is sustainable for us, and the planet?

First and foremost you as a consumer can begin by looking into the brands you buy, pick beauty brands that observe transparency amidst its processes, from ingredient sourcing, to manufacturing processes to ethics and the like. Moreover, it is essential to choose brands that value waste reduction, cruelty-free packaging, and ethical practices as well in terms of how the company works with partners and internally.

Once you've identified those brands, then you can begin to narrow down your choices by picking products built for your skin type. Following this it is important then to reduce your product consumption levels by picking products that you can use both in the day and at night as much as possible, as well as simplifying your routine as best you can. Not only will this help you build a sustainable skincare routine for the planet but it will be easier for you to stick to it as well.

The power of minimalism is incredible where skincare is concerned, we will explore this further alongside the transformative potential of conscious consumer choices.

Together, we will navigate the vibrant world of natural and eco-conscious alternatives, revealing how these choices can positively impact your skin and our shared planet.

At the heart of this article lies a simple yet powerful truth: your skincare routine can be a force for both self-care and environmental care.

By building a sustainable skincare regimen, you'll nurture your external beauty and contribute to the lasting beauty of our world, one responsible step at a time. Your skin, and our Earth, will thank you.

The Challenge

The skincare industry shoulders a significant share of responsibility for environmental harm, spanning the depletion of natural resources, pollution from the production and disposal of skincare products, and ecological damage wrought by ingredient extraction - most brands leave an extremely large carbon footprint behind.

In the wake of these stark realities, there is an urgent call to steer our society toward a swift and meaningful green transition. This transition aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to embrace sustainable practices that curtail their impact on these pressing environmental issues.

Simple steps to take when building a sustainable skincare routine:

Transitioning to sustainable skincare involves conscious choices and gradual adoption of eco-friendly practices in your daily life. Here's how to start:


  1. Educate Yourself: Learn about sustainable skincare and practices as a whole, the beauty industry's environmental impact, and the significance of eco-friendly choices. Keep up with skincare industry trends, as the world continues to become more aware, there are more and more ways brands are looking to become sustainable.
  2. Assess Your Current Products: Examine your skincare products, avoid using products with ingredients that cause harm to animals or the environment, packaging that cannot be recycled, such as products housed in single-use plastic-based packaging, and brands that promote a large number of products with every routine.
  3. Choose Sustainable Skincare Brands: Research and select skincare brands that prioritize sustainability, eco-friendly packaging, responsibly sourced ingredients (you can learn more about ingredients and how they're sourced by using a skincare ingredients checker), and transparent supply chains. Once you've chosen the brands you'd like to use, assess your skin, does it have acne, does it have acne scars, is it sensitive? Whichever condition you may be trying to target, build a routine for and around that.
  4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Opt for products with minimal or recycled packaging, reuse containers, and recycle empty containers responsibly.
  5. DIY Skincare: Experiment with homemade skincare products using natural ingredients to reduce single-use packaging and save money while addressing specific skin concerns.
  6. Multi-Use Products: Select products that serve multiple purposes, reducing the number of products needed and minimizing waste - how do you do that? Choose products with a good concentration of active ingredients, they may be a little bit more expensive, but you'll need less product for the same effect.
  7. Biodegradable Ingredients: Choose skincare products containing natural and biodegradable ingredients while avoiding microbeads and harsh chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
  8. Conserve Water: Be mindful of water usage when cleansing, use gentle cleansers, and avoid leaving the tap running when washing your face.
  9. Limit Exfoliation and Sheet Masks: Reduce excessive exfoliation to avoid microplastic pollution by choosing natural exfoliants or plant-based acids such as salicylic or lactic acids. When using face masks, avoid using sheet masks; instead, use cream-based, gel-based or homemade masks.
  10. Advocate for Change: Be an advocate for sustainability in the skincare industry, supporting initiatives pushing for stricter regulations and transparency, as well as enhanced sourcing of raw materials.
  11. Give Your Skin Time to Adjust: As you transition to natural and eco-friendly products, be patient and monitor your skin's response.

In a world where every choice counts, transitioning to sustainable skincare is a significant step toward a more conscious and responsible lifestyle.

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