Your Scalp is Your Skin Too.

Five steps to a healthier scalp.

Your scalp is an extension to your skin and yes, it requires the same amount of care as your skin. In fact, an unhealthy scalp is very often the reason for skin woes like acne, whiteheads, allergies, et cetera. Itโ€™s very common to overlook your scalpโ€™s health, why? Well, it's simple really, your scalp isnโ€™t something you see every day, and even if you do, you only see a fraction of it.

So how can you tell whether your scalp needs that extra love? Well, there are several signs to look for if you see flakes on the surface of your scalp, are experiencing excessive itching, have dandruff, or just redness due to hygiene and lack of good products to keep the scalp's health intact, then your scalp needs extra care immediately.

When people experience the former, they generally tend to look to hair care products to help address these issues. What is often overlooked is scalp care. Several external factors like loss of moisture, oxidative stress, and the like affect the scalp health which in turn hampers the natural growth and quality of hair follicles.

According to a study done in 2019, there is a large amount of data on specific conditions - dermatological in nature - that have been observed on the scalp, in turn having a direct impact on the production of healthy hair. Oxidative stress in particular has been observed across studies done on scalp health. When it comes to the scalp, what oxidative stress does is it weakens your scalpโ€™s ability to hold your hair. Hence, hair fall begins to occur, and if left untreated hair fall then becomes a larger problem. So take some time to de-stress your scalp as you begin 2022! Start the year with a revamped scalp care routine as well!

How should you look after your scalp and support scalp health

Just like the skin on your face and your efforts to maintain it with the best products in the market, the skin on your head deserves all the tender love and care as well. How should you do this?

Establish a Cleansing Routine

Itโ€™s imperative to wash your hair, yes. However, are you washing your hair the correct number of times based on the type of your hair? Like skin, there are many different types of hair, and in turn, the health of oneโ€™s scalp varies as well. To avoid the risk of scalps that are either too dry or too oily - ask your stylist about your hair type on your next visit to the salon, read about this hair type, and accordingly, establish the right routine for your scalp. Below we are sharing a basic guide to helping determine your hair type as well as the best number of times to wash your hair according to that.

Not Quite sure how to wash your hair? Or perhaps like some of us you miss certain steps? See below a 10 step guide to washing your hair - this will truly give your hair that extra love and care it needs.

Prevent Flakes and Dandruff

In addition to cleansing properly, keep an eye on your scalp. Catch early signs of flakes and dandruff - from redness to itching, experiencing dryness, or perhaps finding it on your clothes - if this is something you see, visit a doctor - he or she will help you take the right steps to be rid of it.

Scalp Exfoliation

We know skin exfoliation is a thing, but scalp exfoliation is often unheard of. But itโ€™s a simple concept - it means to regularly brush your hair every day with bristles that are not too sharp. Doing this will not only stimulate hair follicles but it will prevent oxidative stress on the scalp as well.

Sun Protection

Nothing damages the skin on your face and on the head more than UV rays. Make it a habit to keep your head covered with a hat, scarf, or cap. If headwear isnโ€™t your thing, and you find yourself in the sun for too long use an umbrella. It may also be worth considering getting your hands on a sunscreen that protects the scalp.

Eat Healthy

Be it fruits, leafy greens, nuts, fresh juices, and liquids, add a little bit of everything to your diet to keep your hair nourished. Include hair vitamins or multivitamins in general that add to hair health, alternatively consume foods with these vitamins.

Eating Your Way to a Healthier Scalp

+ Sources

Scalp Condition Impacts Hair Growth and Retention via Oxidative Stress, Nov-Dec 2018

What does your hair and scalp say about your health, Nov 4, 2020

Endogenous retinoids in the hair follicle and sebaceous gland, Sep 3, 2011

Bioton and biotinidase deficiency, Nov 1, 2008

Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss: Everything you need to know, November 18, 2020

Is Vitamin E good for your hair? Aug 21, 2018

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