Sugar - Sweet yet bitter
Uncovering the bitter truth one fact at a time.
- How does sugar impact the skin?
- Compromising on Sugar
- Fresh or Frozen Fruits
- Maple Syrup, Jaggery, Coconut Sugar
- Stevia
- Dates
- After all that’s said and done…
The answer is yes, eating too much sugar will harm your skin. Does the phrase “balance is key” still apply here? The answer is also yes. Our bodies do need sugar, but it is up to us to consume the sugars we need as opposed to the sugars that will harm us.
How does sugar impact the skin and the self?Studies, suggest that the consistent consumption and use of sweeteners in your food is like taking baby steps towards obesity, Type 2 diabetes, or heart disease. Hence, the next time you reach for that sugary snack, think about the effects it has on you and your body. Yes, we understand the need for sugar, and the cravings you may have, that said we suggest making compromises when it comes to your sugar consumption.
Moreover, the amount of sugar you consume determines how much damage you will do to your skin. How does damage occur? In addition to the inflammation directly caused by the increase in consuming sugar, hence causing insulin levels; glycation also occurs. Glycation is when sugar, begins to bind with collagen fibers, in turn causing collagen fibres to become brittle and stiff - hence aging the skin.
- Compromised collagen:There’s enough proof to link that the sugar in our food binds to collagen fibres which is important for the skin’s structure as they are the building blocks for your skin. These proteins play an important role in keeping the skin firm and elastic.
- Deactivates natural antioxidant enzymes:Damaging the skin’s protein is one thing, another is that AGEs - free radicals produced as a result to increased sugar consumption - deactivates your body’s natural antioxidant enzymes. This means your skin is subjected to more damage caused by UV rays, environmental factors like free radicals in the air, et cetera. These free radicals trigger oxidative stress that causes premature aging of the skin.
Start by cutting down refined sugar if consumed daily, to do this, we dove deeper and are sharing a list of natural and healthy alternatives that do not harm the system as much and over time also help crowd out unhealthy sugar cravings.
Fresh or Frozen FruitsFruits usually are forms of natural sugar with some nutrients packed in them. When you crave something sweet, adding fresh or frozen fruits to your diet helps significantly as it strikes a balance and also can be tweaked interestingly. We’re talking about yogurts, smoothie bowls, fruit pulps minus the sugar, and the like.
Maple Syrup, Jaggery, Coconut SugarAll-natural sugar alternatives have become quite popular lately - be it maple syrup, jaggery, coconut sugar or for non-vegans honey - they are far better for you than natural white sugar. These sugars also have essential vitamins and antioxidants that help balance the bodily functions along with prebiotic oligosaccharides (low-calorie sweeteners as they pass through the small intestine without being digested) that help feed gut flora.
SteviaIt’s calorie-free and aids in weight loss, can it get better than that? Stevia is a healthier alternative to refined sugars and a no. 1 pick by doctors for patients with diabetes. It serves 45 calories per tablespoon i.e. 12 grams. Consistent use of stevia also helps you stay full for longer. Additionally, when you replace stevia with sugar, it automatically reduces the glycemic index of foods, thus balancing out one’s blood sugar levels. It also contains many sterols and antioxidant compounds, including kaempferol which helps prevent pancreatic cancer.
DatesFull of antioxidants, anti-mutagenic properties, and essential vitamins responsible for energy and nutrition, the use of dates as a source of healthy calories is served across the globe in the form of traditional meals. Compared to refined sugar, research proves that the use of dates may reduce sugar absorption in our bodies which helps lower blood sugar levels. This in the long run can aid weight management and reduce the risk of diabetes.
We’ve established that refined sugar thoroughly affects the self, and the skin - causing diabetes, obesity, premature aging, dullness of the skin and more. We also know that cutting out sugar is an important step to take. Having said that, cutting sugar out of your diet overnight isn’t possible, however, it is possible to crowd out the white sugar with alternatives, and it is also possible to be self aware. Be mindful, watch what you eat and look out for these 5 things, when it comes to your skin to determine if sugar consumption is beginning to damage the skin.